Tuesday 16 March 2010

The Mysterious Mana

*WARNING* This post is kinda picture heavy, although for you fangirls and fanboys out there, you won't be complaining. :D

Some people may know that it's supposedly Mana's birthday soon!I say supposedly because pretty much everyone knows absolutely nothing about him. Which is why the title of this post is 'The Mysterious Mana'. Well...that and it's my fail attempt at awesome alliteration. (That by the way, was another fail attempt.) But anyway, his birthday is suspected to be on March the 19th. I'm writing this post now mainly because his birthday is only suspected to be on the 19th and I plan to finish some of my work and then sleep for the rest of that day. So, the chances of me touching a computer on the 19th is quite small. Anyway, ON WITH THE CELEBRATION!!

Mana is mainly known for his role as the leader in Malice Mizer, a figurehead in Gothic Lolita fashion and his current project Moi dix Mois. Or, in other words, EPIC radiates from him.

Mana, playing in a playground...HOW COULD YOU NOT LOVE HIM! Adorableness :3

I gotta say, I've never been a huge fan of Malice Mizer, but I really do love Illuminati. It's very awesome. However the actual PV is somewhat explicit and very fast moving so I'm not going to bother capping the video. So, I'm capping a live instead! (Although I do warn you, it'll be centered around Mana and Gackt, seeing as they are the only people I really know from Malice Mizer, I haven't learnt who's who yet ^^;)

Regardless of how crap it looks due to my fail skills, the live starts off with strange but somewhat awesome lighting effects. It make you anticipate the video more, so it does a good job as an intro.

The longer the lighting effects and intro goes on the more people the better we see the people. Including Mana in the stylish blonde wig (which admittedly looks orange under the light)

The main bit of the song starts off, and all of the light go red, which is pretty awesome. Then you notice that the Malice Mizer members are in fact wearing either tight latex or someother sort of sexual clothing.This means seeing Mana and Gackt wearing tight latex...

Yeah...ANYWAY, back to the video!

Yeah, picture says it all...

Gackt starts molesting Mana, and Mana clearly doesn't care. This is an interesting development...TIME FOR INTERESTING MATHS!
Ok, So, Molested and Unbothered Mana + Mana in tight latex + Mana with a whip = Mana is a sex slave? Just a thought.

OMG Gackt. DO WANT. I would've done the whole 'DO WANT' text on this picture too if it wasn't for the fact that I don't want to cover up any part of this picture. Especially the bottom half. As you can see, VERY tight latex hot pants with incredibly sexy legs. Epic Win, no?

As you can see, Mana's having fun playing dominatrix.

It would appear that Gackt and Kami (The drummer, I think ^^;) Are the only ones without sex slaves. I can't help but wonder whether they were bothered by this or not. XD

I love Gackt's eye makeup :3

*strutting across stage*

*watches Mana* "Ooh, he's strutting again. Those legs, Kami-sama, those legs!"
Sorry...I'm just a perverted fangirl XD Although if I was Gackt that WOULD be what I would be thinking. XD

Although I couldn't get a proper screenshot of the drummer (Who's name I think is Kami) his hair is truly epic. The way he drums means his hair kinda flips everywhere. Tis awesome :D

*ahem* TIGHT LATEX SHORTS. Oh how I love those shorts. :D

Mana: *sexy dancing*
Me: *Nosebleed*

GACKT LEGS! XD I'm sorry, this post is supposed to be devoted to Mana yet I can't stop looking at the tight shorts and sexy legs Gackt is in possesion of.

Mana: Biatch! Get up already!

Full on fanservice! Gackt seems to be very uke in this situation. Being 'serviced' shall we say by unknown guitarist #1 (It might be Kozi, But I really don't know ^^;) and Mana. I'm very jealous XD

Mana: Ah, such a great view >D
Me: D< I want that view!

It's an instrumental part of the song so they're all kind of jut calmly walking around, probably to their next stage position, only to the strnage beat of the song. Meanwhile, the lighting is being awesome. :D

Gackt is busy singing while stradling what appears to be a speaker...who wants to be that speaker? I know I do.

Mana's pwning on the guitar, and we get treated to sexy legs for about 2 seconds. Not satisfactory, but I still get sexy Mana legs. I'm happy.

HOLY CHRIST. Gackt AND Mana? *Fangirl overload* XD

Mana pwning again, and more sexy legs :D However the lighting is starting to annoy me as Mana's hair/wig seems to blend into the background...The quality of this video really annoys me too. But I can't do anything about either problems. Oh well! Here's the video:

And if that wasn't enough proof of that Mana is awesome (And Gackt XD) I have a random collection of epic photos! XD

I don't tend to use the term kawaii very often, but this photo deserves it!


かわいい!!!! I really do have I strange idea of what's cute. But those 3 photos just make me wanna hug him x3

Of course, Mana can be sexy too :D I love this photo. I especially love the way he's looking at the camera.

Anyway, I think I've spammed for long enough. So I'll just finish with this:



  1. *quickly hides erection*

  2. @Anonymous
    XD I agree, tis very hawt :D
